Minor Flag Rugby

We have multiple options for registration so please read below for more information.

Flag Rugby Registration Options:

  1. Full-Year Flag Rugby ($100)
  2. Spring Flag Rugby - House League ($55) **DOES NOT INCLUDE FESTIVAL PARTICIPATION
  3. Fall Flag Rugby - House League ($50)

*Important Note:

If an athlete registers for the Spring Flag Season ($55) and then decides they are available to play in the festivals (tournaments) they will have to pay an ADDITIONAL $100 for the full-year registration fee.

Option 1: Full-Year Flag Rugby Registration

The Full-Year Flag Rugby Season runs from Sunday, May 4 to mid-October.


  • $100 - this registers the player for the spring season, potential summer tournaments, and the fall season


  • Spring Season: May 4 - June 29 (8 weeks)
  • 9:00 - 10:00 AM at Centennial S.S.
  • Potential Festivals (U6, U8, U10, U12): *Registration for these tournaments depends on coach availability and player commitment. Nothing is set in stone!
    • July 6 - Belleville
    • July 13 - Regional
    • July 20 - Cobourg
    • August 9/10- TBD
  • Fall Season: Starts the week of Sept. 8 and runs for 6 weeks.

Option 2: Spring Flag Rugby - House League Registration

The Spring Flag Rugby Season will run from Sunday, May 4 to Sunday, June 29 at Centennial Secondary School. If you CANNOT participate in the fall season and are unable to play in any festivals, this is the membership for you!


  • $55 - this registers the player for the 8-week spring season and NOTHING more


  • May 4
  • May 11
  • May 25
  • June 1
  • June 8
  • June 15
  • June 22
  • June 29


  • 3 - 5 year olds from 9:00 - 10:00 am
  • 6 - 8 year olds from 9:00 - 10:00 am
  • 9 - 12 year olds from 9:00 - 10:15 am

Fall Flag Rugby Registration

The Fall Flag Rugby Season will start the week of September 8th and run for 6 weeks.

Registration details to come.


  • $50 *Do NOT register again if you paid the Full-Season membership already!

Registration Questions

  • Any questions about the season should be directed to Bella Hutchison at minorbellevillebulldogs@gmail.com

  • Volunteers

    • People interested in helping with the flag rugby program should contact Bella Hutchison (email above)
    • High school students can earn volunteer hours
    • Parents are encouraged to volunteer